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Reluctant Prisoner Page 4
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Page 4
She threw him a look of total contempt. 'And arrogant bullies of any nationality are very definitely not mine.'
'However,' he carried on smoothly, as though she had never opened her mouth, 'I'm prepared to put up with the sheer inconvenience of having you around in exchange for the sweeter and more subtle pleasures of revenge.' The dark eyes locked with hers as he elaborated on a malicious note, 'No one cheats me, signorina, and gets away with it. And, since your father is temporarily unavailable for the purpose of providing recompense, I am prepared to accept the services of his daughter in his place. Besides, I seem to recall the somewhat adamant manner in which you insisted on being included in the settlement of his affairs. I realise, of course, that at that time you were looking to a share in whatever handouts might come along—but I have no doubt that your filial devotion extends to the sharing of your father's liabilities as well.' He raised a taunting eyebrow at her. 'So now do you see why I feel I have no need to tie you up—and every confidence that you will stay here of your own free will?'
Tanya was almost choking with rage. 'Free will! Is that what you call it? It sounds a lot more like blackmail to me.'
He shook his head dismissively. 'You can call it what you like, it really doesn't matter to me. What matters is that you stay.'
Tanya reached out a shaky hand for her drink and took a long, slow, steadying sip. 'How long do you intend to keep me here? And how am I supposed to provide this recompense that you require?' She emphasised the word distastefully and stared across at him with all the scorn that she could muster in her tawny eyes.
He merely smiled. 'You shall repay me in whatever manner I require.' And paused to let the threat implicit in his words sink in. 'For a start, you can help me in the office here. By a curious coincidence I lost my regular secretary rather suddenly some weeks ago. I take it you know how to type and answer the phone? That much you must have mastered while you were in your father's employ. And I believe you have enough Italian to get by.'
Tanya said nothing. She felt like a fly caught in a spider's web.
He continued with a triumphant smile, 'The arrangement has much to commend it, don't you think? We have already established that you have a lot to learn about running a business successfully. I shall take considerable pleasure in instructing you.' Then he added, with a glint of venom in the hard, dark eyes, 'You may be assured that your stay here will be no holiday. By the end of it, you will undoubtedly have come to appreciate the true meaning of hard work.'
He was so damned smug! So infuriatingly confident of his own unshakable superiority! And there seemed to be no way that Tanya could get back at him. She threw him a scathing look. 'No doubt the slave-driver's whip will sit extremely comfortably in your hand. I would say it's a role that you're eminently suited to.'
'No doubt.' A flicker of amusement crossed the dark-tanned face. 'Of course, whether or not I need to use the whip is entirely up to you. There's no reason why our relationship as employer and employee should not be perfectly amicable.'
'Employee?' she scoffed. 'A quaint expression to use for someone who's been press-ganged into working for you.'
'As I said, it's up to you. If you insist on refusing to co-operate, we shall soon see who is going to suffer more.' He spoke the words harshly and underlined them with a caustic smile. 'I promise you one thing, it will not be me.'
She said nothing, just sat there silently, hating him.
He continued in that maddeningly gloating tone of voice, 'You'll be pleased to learn that you'll be working here, from the villa. This is where I'm based during the summer months.'
So she was to be confined like a prisoner on the estate. Things were going from bad to worse. She raised a sceptical eyebrow at him. 'Don't tell me you manage to control the entire Cabrini empire from a little room on the banks of Lake Maggiore?' Not even he, surely, would be capable of that.
'More or less. It's amazing what modern technology will allow. As I shall show you tomorrow, I have a very well equipped office downstairs.'
Tanya fixed him with a baleful stare. Surely he didn't actually expect her to be interested!
But he appeared to be indifferent whether she was or not. 'As you'll discover,' he went on, draining his glass, 'I tend to leave the day-to-day running of our various industrial interests to my cousins in Milan—and concentrate largely on my private investment consultancy. That's what you'll be involved with principally.'
'Investment consultancy!' Tanya squared her shoulders aggressively. 'And why do you need a private investment consultancy? Weren't all the Cabrini millions enough for you?'
He gave her a long, slightly unnerving look before laying down his empty glass and leaning across the table, equally aggressively, to answer her. 'Why do I need it? For the sorts of reasons that you, signorina, are never likely to understand. To prove to myself that I could stand by my own efforts and abilities. That I didn't need the Cabrini millions. That I was perfectly capable of making millions of my own.'
'How worthy.'
'As I said, it isn't something I'd expect someone like you to comprehend.' Then, 'How much do you know about that line of business anyway?'
'Not a lot. You fiddle around with dollars and yen, play the stock markets and make vast profits from your already wealthy clients. And yourself, of course.' She paused, pleased with the note of naked censure in her voice. 'Am I close?'
'Close enough—for the moment.' He reached across the table suddenly and took her glass. 'Allow me to freshen your drink for you.'
That was rich! The great Fausto Cabrini actually suggesting that he might require her permission for something!
'Your drink.' Suddenly he was standing over her, the sun-bronzed fist clutching the proffered glass less than a handspan from her face. And she had to steel herself from flinching at the strange sensation his proximity had stirred in her. Part resentment, part something else.
'Thank you.' She reached for the glass and, just for a heartbeat, his fingers lightly brushed against her own. His touch was like an electric current jolting through her. Even more shocking, somehow, than that earlier, more abrasive encounter had been. And she gasped and jerked her hand away—and splashed martini all over her lap. Damn! She cursed silently. Now she was making a fool of herself.
He reached into the pocket of his pale linen trousers and produced a large white handkerchief. 'Shall I mop it up for you?'
'I'd rather you didn't.' Her tone was cool, though she hated the way her face had flamed.
'As you wish.' He dropped the handkerchief into her hand and turned away. But she could tell without even glancing up at him that he was thoroughly enjoying her embarrassment. Furiously she dabbed at the wet mark.
'I shouldn't worry too much about that.' He lowered his tall frame into his seat again. 'Emma's an expert at dealing with these little catastrophes.' Then he raised his glass and smiled provocatively across at her. 'Here's to our little agreement,' he said. 'May it prove beneficial to us both.'
Tanya abandoned her efforts with the handkerchief and drank without acknowledging his toast. This so-called agreement had been reached because she had a shotgun at her head. She could think of nothing more pernicious than being stuck here in the wilds of northern Italy with this bloody-minded man.
But it was more than just simple resentment that she felt. There was something about this man that disturbed her, something that caused her to react to him in a manner she could not understand. For it wasn't simply that she detested him. There was more to it than that— something deeper, more elemental—and, though she couldn't quite put her finger on it, it alarmed her somehow. Again she had that instinctive feeling that Fausto Cabrini was dangerous.
Almost defensively she turned to the attack and forced herself to meet the dark, discomfiting gaze. 'You haven't answered my question yet. How long do you intend to keep me here?'
'That depends, signorina, on a number of things. On how long it takes you to learn the several lessons I intend to teach you while you'
re here. On your father's progress. Once he's recovered and starting to pay off his debt to me I'll have no more cause to hold you here as my indemnity. And on how long it takes me to find a suitable replacement for my lately departed secretary.' He paused, enjoying her discomfort, before concluding with a pitiless smile, 'I would say that by the end of the summer I should be able to let you go.'
Tanya's heart sank. 'The end of the summer? That's months away.'
'Three months, more or less. But don't worry, it'll pass quickly enough. You're going to be so busy that, I promise you, the time will fly.' He drank back half his drink, then went on, studying the expression on her face with interest as he spoke, 'Your duties will not be confined to daytime, of course. There will be occasions when I shall require you to accompany me in the evening to some dinner or other function. I take it you have no objection?' he added lightly, almost as an afterthought.
Tanya felt her fingers tighten angrily around her glass. Why, the inconceivable cheek of the man! 'I'm afraid I do have an objection,' she informed him tight-lipped. 'I'm not some kind of escort agency, you know. I shall work for you in your office if you insist, but don't get any ideas about extending our relationship into the social field.'
'Signorina, I think it is you who are getting ideas, not me.' Fausto Cabrini looked across at her impatiently and ran a strong, brown finger down the straight line of his nose. 'The little outings I alluded to are all part of the job. In England you may be used to working strictly nine to five—that is, when you work at all—but I'm afraid that I don't operate like that. Nor do I confine my professional activities to the office. You will discover that working dinners and lunches are a regular part of my routine—as they will be of yours as long as you're working for me. So you'd better just get used to it. However, have no fear, signorina, I have no plans to extend our relationship as you suggest.'
And the fine mouth twisted derisively as he delivered his final point. 'Believe me, if what I was after was some girl to dangle gracefully on the end of my arm, I wouldn't need to go to the lengths of employing the services of an escort agency. I have never found it necessary to pay for any service that a woman can provide.'
Tanya glared across at him with a burning dislike. Any woman who voluntarily had anything to do with a man like him must be out of her mind! And more than just mad, a raving masochist as well! 'Well, whether it's part of my job or not, I'm afraid I won't be able to oblige.'
'And why might that be? Let's see—' And he raised one darkly quizzical eyebrow as he went on. 'You have a possessive boyfriend back home who would object—is that it?'
'Nothing like that,' she answered truthfully. There was no boyfriend back home with any particular claims on her affections or fidelity. Never had been, really, though it occurred to her that whether there were or not was none of Fausto Cabrini's affair. 'The reason is much more straightforward than that. I don't have anything to wear. All I brought with me were a few casual clothes. Nothing remotely suitable for the elegant little soirees I'm sure you have in mind.' There was a note of triumph in her voice. It had turned out to be a blessing indeed that she had brought such a modest supply of clothes with her.
He simply shrugged. 'No problem. There are a couple of cupboards full of Renata's clothes upstairs. I'm sure you'll find plenty to fit you there. And if you don't—' he threw her a calculatedly irritating smile '—we simply go out and buy you something suitable.'
At that point, Tanya could gladly have thrown her glass at him. Did the wretched man have an answer for everything? She stared at him sullenly—then a sudden question crossed her mind. A question some instinct told her he might not be able to dispose of quite so easily. 'Why did your other secretary leave? You said she left quite suddenly.'
'Yes, she did leave somewhat abruptly. I dare say she had her reasons.'
'Didn't she tell you what those reasons were?'
'She may have done.' Already there were angry warning signals flashing from his eyes.
'So tell me what they were.'
He leaned forward in his seat and studied her for a long moment, and his tone was flint-hard when he spoke. 'My dear signorina, I think we should get one thing perfectly clear. I have a particular aversion to people who pry—especially women—so I suggest you drop this line of questioning.'
But perversely Tanya was enjoying the angry reaction she had provoked. For once it almost felt as though she had got him on the hop. 'Surely that was a perfectly harmless thing to ask,' she protested in mock-innocence.
The dark eyes narrowed and the lines around his mouth were hard. 'So you insist?'
She faced him out, determined not to let him frighten her. 'I can't understand why such an innocuous little question should bother you so much. What's the matter, have you got something to hide?'
'Apparently you weren't listening. I've told you once already that I don't wish to discuss the subject—and I don't like having to repeat myself!' Impatience rose in his voice.
'Oh, is that so! Well, maybe you're used to people snapping to attention and always doing exactly as you say, but don't expect that sort of thing from me. I don't give a damn what you're used to or how you think I should behave. I can just imagine why your secretary left. What did you do to her, you bully?'
The knuckles clamped round his tumbler had gone very white and his tone was as jagged as broken glass as he ground out, 'Don't go too far, signorina. I'm warning you.'
She forced a brittle-sounding laugh. 'You mean you're threatening me! And what exactly do you intend to do? Give me another little demonstration of your physical superiority?'
He seemed to hover on the edge of his seat for a moment as though tempted to do exactly that. But instead he simply flayed her with a whiplash look. 'I'm sorry, signorina. Not tonight.' Then he swallowed back his drink in a single gulp and slammed the heavy glass down on the tabletop. 'I have a couple of things to attend to.' He glanced down quickly at the sliver of gold watch at his wrist and rose abruptly to his feet. 'I think I'll have dinner in my room tonight. You can make your own arrangements with Emma.' He paused and faced her with a ferocious stare. 'Kindly call your relatives in Austria—and anyone else who needs to know—and tell them you'll be staying here indefinitely. Tomorrow morning we start work at eight. I shall expect you in the office punctually.' Then, in a few, swift strides, he left the room.
For a full five minutes after he had gone Tanya remained in her seat, rigid with fury. To her intense annoyance she discovered that she was still clutching in one hand the handkerchief that he had given her. With all her strength she flung it angrily across the room. Why, Fausto Cabrini must be the most arrogant, objectionable male chauvinist it had ever been her misfortune to encounter in her entire life!
She stood up shakily and straightened her still-damp skirt. Well, two could play at that little game! He might have the upper hand, he might be in a position to force her to stay and work for him, but there was no way she would just sit back and allow him to push her around. For it wasn't just her Slavic good looks that Tanya had inherited from her mother, there was also more than a trace of the fiery Russian temperament flowing through her veins. The Sinclair in her might be gentle, generous and mild—but a Karansky could stand up to a Cabrini any day of the week.
The great Fausto might not be aware of it yet, but he had a battle on his hands!
It was like walking into some highly exclusive Bond Street boutique. Silks and chiffons hung in clouds of glorious colour from the wardrobe doors; deep velvets and sequin-encrusted satins lay draped, like all the riches of Croesus, over the bed.
Emma grinned at her as she stood in the doorway open-mouthed. 'I came up ahead of you, signorina,' she explained, 'to look out a couple of things I thought might suit.'
A couple of things! Tanya suppressed a smile. She had always thought she had a pretty extensive wardrobe at home, but it was nothing compared to this. It was on Fausto Cabrini's instructions, naturally, that she had come.
/> An amused smile had flitted across his face as he'd told her, deliberately provocative, 'We have a dinner engagement with a couple of clients and their wives tonight. Have a look through Renata's wardrobe for something to wear.'
She had forced a totally impassive smile on to her face. 'I'll do that,' she had promised, secretly hating him with fresh vigour.
But none of that was Emma's fault. Tanya smiled gratefully at the grey-haired woman now. 'That's very good of you, but I don't think I'll be needing anything very special for tonight. As far as I understand, Signor Cabrini is only taking a couple of clients and their wives to dinner.'
'Ah!' The housekeeper shook her head and waggled a plump forefinger in mild admonishment. 'But he will not be taking them to some pizza parlour, signorina. He will be taking them to one of Milan's most elegant restaurants—and for such an occasion it is a woman's duty to herself to make sure she is looking her very best.' She held up an aquamarine silk creation with softly draped bodice and slim, slightly tapered skirt. 'With your beautiful gold hair I think this will look spectacular.'
Once she had slipped it on and examined her reflection in the ceiling-to-floor mirror, Tanya more or less had to agree. It was the sort of dress that did marvels for a girl's morale.
'Squisito!' Emma pronounced, just in case she should have any doubts. 'I tell you, that dress was made for you. But now try this one.' She slipped a fine silk jersey gown in deep fuchsia from its hanger and handed it to Tanya. 'This one also will look very elegant on you.'
It did. And so did just about everything else that Tanya tried on. 'I think Renata has the most gorgeous collection of clothes I've ever seen,' she confessed to Emma over an hour and more than a dozen outfits later. 'I love every single one of them.'
Emma beamed as though the compliment had been directed at her. 'Indeed,' she agreed, slipping yet another astounding creation from its hanger and passing it to Tanya. 'Even as a little girl she always had the prettiest clothes.'